Tilda Publishing
You are welcome at LAUNCH contest, as a guest
5 PM, 28 May at Skoltech

Skoltech Triple Point is the condition of particular heat and outside pressure when the team tends to coexist simultaneously in three states of Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship

invented by Semyon Fast, Skoltech Alumnus

Experience sharing: lectures and insights from the industry top experts
Networking: opportunity to meet industry leaders, VCs, and potential customers
Skoltech Support: PR, prototyping, operations, and legal help
Win the grand prize for the development of your project
Get more info about Skoltech Triple Point
Leave us your email and get more information directly from the organizing team
Apply to LAUNCH
Participate in Triple Point Energy and ESG Track LAUNCH and win monetary prizes!
Participate in Triple Point Social Tech Track LAUNCH and win monetary prizes!
Participate in Triple Point IT/AI Track Demo-Day and get a feedback from the experts of your sphere!
Skoltech Triple Point challenge includes three distinct competitions — each one is targeting startups on a particular level of development:
PITCH: it is enough to have just an idea and be able to pitch it

ACCELERATE is organized for startups, which have entered (or are ready to enter) the business model validation process with an MVP version of a product.

LAUNCH is intended to support Seed-level startups, i.e., which are ready to enter the market with almost functional products and validated (at least, partly) their business model.
Pitch your startup idea in 90-sec video, get to the finals, and have a chance to win a money prize.

3 min showcase to join and accelerate with our mentors.

Solid business presentation, describing key aspects and traction.

In the coming 2023-2024 year we have ambitious plans. In addition to Energy&ESG track we will actively develop our two new tracks: Social Tech and IT/AI.
Also we plan to concentrate more on attraction of students from other universities to strengthen startup projects and make our contests even competitive!
September 2023
September 2023
Program presentation
Recruitment of new members to our Team
October 2023
October 2023

Social enterpreneurship lecture
Mixer: networking event
November 2023
November 2023
15 November - Mixer, networking event
30 November - Energy and ESG PITCH

December 2023
December 2023
7 December - Social Tech PITCH
14 December - IT/AI PITCH
January 2024
January 2024
Mentoring sessions
Mixer: networking event
IT/AI, Social Tech and Energy lectures
February 2024
February 2024
Social Tech track Accelerate
March 2024
March 2024
Energy&ESG track Accelerate
Mixer: networking event
April 2024
April 2024
Presentation of program to partners
May 2024
May 2024
FINAL FEST: Energy&ESG, Social Tech Launch
IT/AI Demo-Day
How to participate
We recommend to start with reading the rules of the Skoltech Triple Point challenge, checking the MIT$100K website, and watching some of their previous competitions
Explain your idea/startup in a 90-sec video about your startup for participating in PITCH. Test it with you comrades and rework if needed
Fill the form and wait for our reply. You have two attempts to apply: after the first tryout, we provide you the recommendations for improvement (if needed) and the next submission will be counted as the final. Have doubts? Leave us your email and get more info from the organizing team
Be selected for the finals by our external judges and be ready to pitch during the live event (90 seconds presentation + 3 minutes questions session0
Energy&ESG track
IT/AI track
Social tech track
With support of:
General partner:
With support of:
General partner:
If you would like to become a partner or mentor of Triple Point, please, leave us your contacts!
We will contact you ASAP!
© 2023 Skoltech Triple Point