Triple Point

Have a
startup idea?

Participate and win the prize!
Skoltech Triple Point is the first Russian student-led entrepreneurial challenge similar to MIT$100K (MIT) and Tiger Launch (Princeton).

Inspired by MIT$100K, we launch a yearly series of three competitions, each targeted to the specific stage of Skoltech students' startups and with the corresponding prize funds provided by our sponsors. The prizes are really prizes, so no company stake or any other tie for the winners.

  • Experience sharing: lectures and insights from the industry top experts
  • Networking: opportunity to meet industry leaders, VCs, and potential customers
  • Skoltech Support: PR, prototyping, operations, and legal help
  • Win the grand prize for the development of your project
Get more info about Skoltech Triple Point
Leave us your email and get more information directly from the organizing team
Skoltech Triple Point challenge includes three distinct competitions — each one is targeting startups on a particular level of development:
PITCH: it is enough to have just an idea and be able to pitch it

ACCELERATE is organized for startups, which have entered (or are ready to enter) the business model validation process with an MVP version of a product.

LAUNCH is intended to support Seed-level startups, i.e., which are ready to enter the market with almost functional products and validated (at least, partly) their business model.
  • Pitch your startup idea in 90-sec video, get to the finals, and have a chance to win a money prize.

  • 3 min showcase to join and accelerate with our mentors.

  • Solid business presentation, describing key aspects and traction.

Triple Point Tracks
Track #1.
Together with GazpromNeft
Main project lines:
• Chemical technologies
• ESG (Environmental, social and corporate government) and energy transition
• Capital construction
• New production technologies
New materials and coating technologies
Electronics (including -micro), instrumentation and industrial technologies

This year we are launching a joint track in cooperation with Gazpromneft and Spb EnergoTechHub to supporting startups in oil&gas and related industries.

Skoltech Triple Point is the condition of particular heat and outside pressure when the team tends to coexist simultaneously in three states of Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship

invented by Semyon Fast, Skoltech Alumnus

  • I am a committed supporter of the Skoltech Triple Point initiative in enhancing the entrepreneurial environment. I would be very happy to assist the project leaders in any way appropriate in terms of judging or mentoring
    Stuart Lawson
    Member of the Board of Directors of Skolkovo Ventures,
    EY Senior Advisor, RBCC Board Member
    April 13, 2021
  • I believe that initiatives of this kind are good and need to further develop entrepreneurial ecosystem in Moscow and Russia. I think the partnership between MIT and Skoltech is an excellent base for building successful competition of this kind. I strongly support this effort and hope to participate as a mentor and jury member.
    Vitaly Polekhin
    President of the International Investor Organization INVESTORO, Chairman of the International Cooperation Committee of EBAN, Investor of Delivery Club
    May 5, 2021
  • All the biggest companies started from a very small. And all of their founders took the first, most important step in the beginning. Do it yourself! Without the first step, nothing will work
    Alexander Gornyi
    Сo-founder of United Investors
    September 13, 2021
Meet our judges
  • Adeniyi Adebayo
    M.Sc. Skoltech Alumnus
    CBDO at Yango, ProctorEdu, Starta Capital (VC)
  • Aleksey Marakhin

    M.Sc. Skoltech Alumnus
    Co-founder and COO of Phystech.Genesis hackathon provider
  • Nikita Rodichenko
    M.Sc. Skoltech Alumnus
    CEO and Founder of Flyfire, CTO of Tsuru Robotics
  • Alexander Martynov
    Ph.D. Skoltech Alumnus
    Head of Bio-IT at RBV Capital
  • Evgeny Shilov
    Ph.D. Skoltech Alumnus
    Co-founder and CTO of LABADVANCE.
  • Simon Bradley

    Founder of The Funnel Investor, Member Of The Board Of Advisors at Skoltech, Founder at Percent Edge, UK

  • Alexey Thrashcheev
    CEO at "Sintez" LLC, Co-Founder of SGL LTD, Lead of Russian part in Go Global World Community
  • Boris Trigub
    Head of  Skoltech Student Support Center, has experience as Deputy director of the Agency for Innovation and Development
  • Geoffrey Carr-Harris

    Co-founder and Creative Director at Coeval Media SA, Director of Research and Partner at Wyiiz Enterprises Limited, AI Content Manager at beingAI

  • Michael K. Akimov
    Head of Skoltech Industrial Practice CoE NTI "Wireless & IoT", Investment and innovation management professional
  • Kendrick Davis White
    Vice Rector for Commercialization at Almaty Management University, Director of Technology Commercialization Center
  • Laurent Monod
    Partner at Corecam Family Office, a trusted investment advisor to global entrepreneurs and their families
  • Irina Gayda
    Expert of Skoltech Energy Transition and ESG center
  • Larisa Kopylova
    Deputy Director Accelerator Mendeleev, expert in chemical industry and engineering
  • Ilya Goldt
    Managing Director and Partner of the New Industry Investment Fund
  • Aleksandr Novichikhin
    Senior Innovation Specialist TMK R&D Center, Ph.D
  • Maxim Bardin
    Head of Acceleration Programs at Gazprom Neft Technology Partnerships
  • Kseniya Oparovskaya
    Head of projects in Technology Partnerships and Import Substitution Department, Gazprom Neft
  • Irina Muhina 
    PhD in AI, Founder of Innovative Educational Center of Art and Science at iECARUS, Toronto 
  • Oleg Pertsovskiy
    Operations Director of the Energy Efficient Technologies Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation
  • John Robert Sutton
    CEO of JR Sutton & Co. Specializing in international F&B commerce and payments technology. 
  • Ivana Yovich
    Chief Specialist of the Capital Construction Department, Gazprom Neft PJSC, Capital Construction Accelerator Coordinator
  • Julia Shadrina 
    Director of Innovation Development, R&D TMK, AMBA Innovation and Entrepreneurship, EMBA Operations Management
  • Olesya Vanina
    Head of the Supplier System Development Program, Department of Technological Partnerships and Import Substitution of Gazprom Neft PJSC, Project Manager of Energotechnohab Petersburg
How to participate
We recommend to start with reading the rules of the Skoltech Triple Point challenge, checking the MIT$100K website, and watching some of their previous competitions
Explain your idea/startup in the format needed for a competition you'd like to apply. E.g., if you are going to participate in PITCH, prepare a 90-sec oral presentation without slides or any other visual material. Test it with you comrades and rework if needed
Fill the form below and wait for our reply. You have two attempts to apply: after the first tryout, we provide you the recommendations for improvement (if needed) and the next submission will be counted as the final. Have doubts? Leave us your email and get more info from the organizing team
Be selected for the finals by our external judges and be ready to pitch during the live event
is open until 12 March, 2023
Application form for the Track#1 Accelerate competition is open until midnight 12 March, 2023
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and all our updates
Are you searching for the team members?
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Meet Our Team
Cool guys who want
to help Skoltech startups grow:
  • Andrei Chemikhin
    Skoltech Alumni
    Co-Founder and Program Coordinator
  • Arina Ivanova
    Skoltech Alumni
    Co-Founder and Program Coordinator
  • Maria Korneva
    Skoltech Ph.D. Student
    Operations Vice-President
  • Vitaly Kazaku
    Skoltech M.Sc. Student
    Marketing Vice-President
  • Tatiana Alekhina
    Skoltech M.Sc. Student
    PR Vice-President
  • Egor Purlats
    Skoltech M.Sc. Student
    Events Vice-President
  • Arsenii Chekalov
    Skoltech M.Sc. Student
    Website manager
  • Alina Khayrullina
    Skoltech M.Sc. Student
    SMM manager
  • Rimma Ishberdina
    Skoltech M.Sc. Student
    Operations manager
  • We have various opportunities and great plans!
Our Supervisors
Experienced professionals who help our program develop:
  • Alexey Cheremisin
    Skoltech Triple Point Leader
    Full Professor at Skoltech Center for Hydrocarbon Recovery, CEO at LABADVANCE
  • Elena Sokolova
    Skoltech Triple Point Development 
    Head of Innovations Ecosystem Development at Skoltech Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Alexey Nikolaev
    Skoltech Triple Point Methodology
    Professor of the Practice at Skoltech Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Our Partners
Those who are strongly supporting Triple Point enterpreneural spirit and ideas
Join the Skoltech Triple Point managing student team! 
Leave us your email and we will contact you soon to discuss the possible opportunities for you as a team member! Why to join:

  1. Understand the entrepreneurial industry from a different perspective
  2. Develop your professional network
  3. Get a line in CV
  4. Become a part of the best rising entrepreneurial competition in Russia
  5. Advance your managerial skills